In January 2010, named Facebook founder, CEO and 26-year old billionaire Mark Zuckerberg the Person of the Year 2010.
Lady Gaga, James Cameron and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, were struggling for this title that year. However, TIME magazine chose his hero. The social network created by Mark connected almost every tenth person on the planet, - Richard Stengel, TIME editor-in-chief explained their choice. According to him, Today, Facebook is the third largest country in the world that knows about its citizens as much as no government on planet does.
According to TIME, in the past year no one else had such great impact on the world than the current winner. Mark's popularity is so high that in 2010 David Fincher shot a movie "The Social Network" in which the main role of Facebook founder was brilliantly played by Jesse Eisenberg. Previously, TIME's "Persons of the year" became the United States presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
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